Fan heaters for wall mounting or on castors to heat premises with recycled air. Two switchable heating speeds and incorporated thermostat, usable in ventilation only. Thermal safety, protection grid, jet deflector. Switch and thermostat in the front face with power contactor.
Noise level at 1 m : 55 dB.
Dimensions : H = 480 mm - L =400 mm -
P = 400 mm (6kW), 535 mm (12 kW), 670 mm (18 kW).
Voltage : 400 V 3 phases.
Environmental thermostat for remote temperature setting : P/N 9014-20
Accessories for Fan Heaters 6046
Pair of sheet metal wall brackets or Mobile support
Portable Fan Heaters
Portable unit heaters to pose on the ground. It's the ideal auxiliary heating on factory site or agricultural. Installed quickly (an electric
connection is enough), they can be moved quickly according to the needs.
Robust material for a keen price, this range meets the needs for many trades while offering high level design features.
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