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Infrared Generators for heating of person

Short Infrared Generator

These generators are the optimum solution for the heating of persons in premises with a high volume such as : Warehouse, sports

centers, churches, loading docks, work areas... These systems also allow the heating of animals in zoos.

Advantages : instantaneous heat, revolving reflector allowing the heating in the desired spaces only.Multifaces reflector in anodised


Light with neutral density or rubis to reduce flashing effects.

These material are composed of a mobile support with a tray for the tools box equipped with a short infrared generator P/N. 6117-01.

These generators have an ajustable height and are mounted on castors to ease their movement.Delivered without the tools

box.Protection with epoxy paint.

Voltage : 230 V mono.

Spare parts : Réf. 6117-90

Medium Infrared Generator

These infrared generators are suitable for the heating of persons in covered places where conditions are particularly rough, for example

in industrial premises or in warehouses.

With a sturdy constitution and a sealing WP+, they can be interrupted for long periods without any damage.

These heaters must be mounted on the ceiling or fixed on a wall at a minimum height 1,9 m.

Voltage = 230 V 1 ph.

Delivered with swiveling attaching lugs.

Long Infrared Generator

These models are suitable for the heating of persons at home, in workshops or in offices. They are fitted with ceramic elements for long

IR emission. Since they don't emit visible light, they are very high efficiency. Since they don't heat the air, they fit perfectly for rooms

difficult to heat such as rooms with high ceilings, not properly insulated or subject to draughts.

These heaters must be mounted on the ceiling or fixed on a wall at a minimum height 1,9 m.

Voltage : 230 V 1 phase.

Delivered with swivelling attaching lugs.

Mobile Long Infrared Generator

These mobile infrared generators are particularly suitable for the localized heating of persons or workstations.

Its mobile, stable and robust support is 2 meters height and allows an immediate and low cost heating only in the desired areas.

Voltage : 230 v single phase

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