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Air Conditioner 
Air Heater 
Fan Heater 
Mural Fan Heaters 
Heating Cartridge 
Immersion Heaters 
Industrial Generator 
Sheathed Elements 
Air Heater


Flameproof Radiator

These particularly robust appliances have been designed to heat, without failure, at 40°C maxi, industrial premises, painting rooms, inflammable products, storage warehouses, petrols stations, off-shore platforms ...

Coonection by gland in a leakproof EEx dIIC box IP 557.

Protected steel brackets and carcass.

Horizontal mounting.

Equipped with an integrated control thermostat range 0 ~ 50°C in an explosionproof box.

Voltage : 230 V 1 phase or 230 V 3 phases or 400 V 3 phases.

Industrial Radiator

These particularly robust appliances have been especially designed for the heating of industrial premises, technical areas, control

rooms and movable on-site cabins.

Connection by gland in an aluminium terminal box IP557.

Protected steel brackets and carcass. Horizontal mounting.

Some models are fitted with an integral control thermostat range 0 à 50°C.

Wattage : 500 to 1000 W

Voltage : 230 V 1 phase. Low powered models for single phase supply. The thermostat setting knob is located outside of the unit.

Wattage : 1500 to 4500 W

Voltage: 230/400 V tri.

Supplied coupled 400 V 3 phases.

Possible coupling 230 V 1 phase (except 4500 W).

Medium powered models for single phase supply.

The thermostat setting knob is located outside of the unit.


Pair of protected steel brackets

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Copyright (c) 2007 Shin Shin International. All rights reserved.
