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Air Conditioner 
Air Heater 
Fan Heater 
Mural Fan Heaters 
Heating Cartridge 
Immersion Heaters 
Industrial Generator 
Sheathed Elements 
Heating Catridge

Heating of fluid (through protective well sheath) and metallic parts (moulds, chasing dies, plates, tools, bolts...) 350°C.

High load VULSTAR cartridges heaters are particularly suitable when the available place is restricted.

Electrical connections by two flexible wires length 350 mm in nickel braid insulated by fiberglass. (the extension is a quick and costeffective

way of obtaining wires of greater length. Maxi temperature 135°C at the two wire connecting block).

Voltage : 230 V 1 phase.

Maxi temperature on the sheath : 750°C.

Maxi temperature on the wires : 300°C.

Material according to VDE standards.

Tolerance on length :0/-2,5% with mini 2,5 mm. Tolerance on Ø : -0,02;-0,08.

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