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Air Conditioner 
Air Heater 
Fan Heater 
Mural Fan Heaters 
Heating Cartridge 
Immersion Heaters 
Industrial Generator 
Sheathed Elements 
Immersion Heaters

Screw Plug Heaters

Immersion heaters composed of three heating elements arranged in a cros on a screw plug M45 x 200 with gasket.

Hexagonales terminals (with hole) type W. Sealing WP+. Voltage : 230/400 V 3 phases.


If you wish to heat oil or diesel, you must use an oiled steel tube loaded at 2 W/cm2.

If you wish to heat recycled or softened water, you must use a stainless steel tube loaded at 4 or 5 W/cm2.

If you wish to heat tap water, you must use a copper tube loaded at 8 or 10 W/cm2.

Non offset for working temperature < 110°C.

Offset for working temperature < 200°C.


Immersion heaters composed of three elements arranged in a circle or a cross on a screw plug M77 x 200 with gasket.

Connections with threaded terminals M6. Sealing WP+

Flange Heaters

Immersion heaters particularly designed for heating recycled or tap water, whether treated or not, standing or circulating, up to

110°C/10 bar. Can be used with all aqueous solutions compatible with the materials and emission rates of 12 W/cm2.

Quick installation, removal and electrical connections. Overheating fuse with indicator. Easy change of voltage by polarized connecting

device. Removable swivelling sealed case (fitted with its compression gland for power supply cable).

Composed of 3 removable single pins. Equipped with a flexible gasket in EPDM. Threaded post terminals M5.

The insulation and the electric rigidity conform to NFC 79620 norm.

Composed of 3 heating elements arranged in cross on a raised face flange without gasket. - Nominal power : 16 bar. - Connections with

threaded terminals M6. Sealing WP+.

Non offset for working temperature < 110°C - Offset for working temperature temperature < 200°C.

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