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Rotary Valve 
Bolt Cap 
Vaccum Pump 
Air Dryer 
Bucket Elevator 
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Vaccum Pump

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Venturi Vacuum Pumps:

VDF Series - Variable Vacuum Pumps

The VDF Series of adjustable air powered vacuum pumps provides a combination of high vacuum flow rates of up to 120 SCFM, and vacuum levels of up to 25" Hg. Its unique straight through venturi design that has the vacuum and exhaust port in-line, ingested debris passes directly through the center of the pump eliminating clogging and the need for filters. Because of its straight-through, in-line design, the VDF Series is ideal for handling porous materials and operation in contaminated situations. VDF pumps can be used to pick and place concrete block, or packaging materials that are coated with fine powder, and are commonly used in industrial air driven vacuum cleaners to remove liquid/solid mixtures from sump areas. VDF pumps are field adjustable and eliminate the need for additional regulation of air lines to remotely vary the levels of vacuum or flow that is required.

CDF Series - Air Amplifiers

The CDF Series vacuum pump was initially designed to function as an air amplifier generating a high vacuum flow and a high exhaust flow using a small amount of compressed air. CDF's are ideal for applications that require high levels of flow such as the rapid evacuation of fumes, blow drying wet materials, or to cool hot areas and/or materials.

Using the same principle and characteristics, (high vacuum and exhaust flow) the CDF air amplifier can act as a vacuum cup simply by using the vacuum inlet in place of a cup. The CDF vacuum pump generates a high vacuum flow enabling it to overcome the leaks inherent in trying to pick up porous objects.

Seven standard models are available with bores of 1/8" to 2." Air velocity and flow of all models are field adjustable to provide a wide range of conditions to meet individual application needs.

DF Series - Material Transfer Pumps

Vaccon's DF Series of high flow vacuum pumps provides a reliable and cost effective method of in-line transfer of complex shapes and bulk materials such as; small parts up to 3 inches in diameter, continuous strips, and powders. Vacuum flow rates can be infinitely controlled over the pumps entire range by regulating the input pressure. The pump's unique capability to create instantaneous vacuum flow and high air velocity combined with its straight through, smooth bore design allows material to pass directly through the unit at high speeds without interference or clogging. Its compact design facilitates placement close to the work area for maximum efficiency and ease of installation.

VIP Series - Intelligent Vacuum Pumps

VIP Series 1 thru 3 are a line of small (5" x 7" x 4") single venturi vacuum pumps. Each style has an interchangeable venturi cartridge with vacuum levels of 27"Hg. and vacuum flows of up to 9 SCFM. Each style is also controlled with a small digital control with a full 3 digit LED display, 2 digital PNP I/O and 1 Analog I/O. Each digital I/O point is rated to 100mA.

Vacuum Cups and Devices


±âŸ Vaccum Pump¿ë Accessary

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