Super-Dry Compressed Air Dryers remove moisture, water, oil, solid air particles and other contaminants from your compressed air. If you are looking for the best Air Dryer, the complete Air Dryer Systems, we have it !
Specifications and Ordering Information for the SuperDry Compressed Air Dryers:
The SuperDry Compressed Air Dryers contain two highly efficient polypropylene coalescer elements at inlet & outlet ports to absorb oil and solid air particles. Also included, one large desiccant bag specifically designed to absorb moisture and condensation from your compressed air system.
Up to 300 SCFM per air dryer; additional air dryers in parallel to increase air flow capacity;
Desiccant (activated alumina); other absobant available on demand (eg. Molecular Sieve);
Special V-band stainless steel clamps permit easy cover removal for cartridge replacement
Max. working pressure of the SuperDry Compressed Air Dryers (D Series): 150 P.S.I.G.
Pressure drop: 3 P.S.I.G. at 100 P.S.I.G. input
Best dewpoint down to-40°F (may vary depending on your system installation & other environmental conditions)
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